From The Berean Call Daily Updates 7/4/09

By the author of “Amazing Grace” John Newton (1725 – 1807)

If I had the wisdom or influence to soothe the angry passions of
mankind–I would gladly employ them! But I am a stranger and a
pilgrim here in this world. My charter, my rights and my treasures,
are all in heaven–and there my heart ought to be. In a very short
time, I may be removed (and perhaps suddenly) into the unseen and
eternal world–where all that now causes so much bustle upon
earth–will be of no more importance to me–than the events which
took place among the antediluvians!

In the hour, when death shall open the door into eternity–many things
which now assume an ‘air of importance’, will be found as light and
unsubstantial as a child’s dream!

How crucial then, is it for me–to be found watching, with my lamp
burning, diligently engaged in my proper calling! For the Lord has
not called me to set governments right–but to preach the gospel, to
proclaim the glory of His name, and to endeavor to win souls! “Let
the dead bury their own dead–but you go and proclaim the kingdom of
God!” Luke 9:60. Happy is that servant, whom his Master finds so
doing, when He returns!

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