Proclamation, Invitation, & Warning
By placing links to other websites on this page, I do not mean to give 100% endorsement to anyone.
And I also don't mean to imply that they would endorse me at all!
Unless otherwise noted, the ministries I link to are, for the most part in my view, "speaking the Truth in Love" (Ephesians 4:15).
If you think I'm wrong to link to any of these sites... or if you think I need a stronger disclaimer about one of these sites... please let me know and tell me why.
Some of the links at the end are for information and research purposes only. Not only do I not endorse these sites, but I warn against what they stand for. May the Lord give you discernment.
By the way, if you see my articles on other websites or links to my site from other websites, realize that I don' t necessarily endorse those sites.
"Our Fellowship: Community Bible Fellowship is a non-denominational gathering of believers seeking to give glory to God and follow His word. We emphasize... our relationship with God through Christ in worship, nurturing one another toward Christlikeness, equipping believers with the word of God, and proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ to the world."
Yelm Bible Fellowship -
New Testament house-church
for the Roy, Mckenna, Yelm and Spanaway communities
[Washington State, USA]
"And they were
continually devoting themselves
to the Apostles' teaching
and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread
and to prayer" (Acts 2:42)
"The scriptures give a clear picture of how, when, where and why the Church met for the first
200+ years of her history. Absent from this picture are church buildings, pews, Sunday school
programs, professional ministers, worship teams and stained glass windows.
"Instead, we see [fellowship], the weekly celebration of the Lord's Supper (as a full meal), mutual edification, bearing one another's burdens, accountability and love; all in the context of a believer's home.
"This site is designed to edify the universal Body of Christ and inform our local expression of The Church. You will find meeting times and places, helpful articles and useful links to other sites devoted to 'house church theology'. "
You are invited to learn about Steve and Patti Phillips, missionaries to West Africa. Please consider some of Steve's writings.
These links are to pages on the site. You will also find a link to the Phillips' own website.
Your prayers are requested for the Phillips family as they labor there for the gospel of Jesus Christ. "You also joining in helping us through your prayers" (2 Corinthians 1:11)."
Christian Missions in Many Lands, Inc. (CMML) is a faith-based, non-profit, missionary service organization ministering to brethren assembly missionaries from the USA and other countries.
"Go ye therefore,
and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost:
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo I
am with you always, even unto the end of the world."
Matthew 28:19-20
Polyventure Publications has come into being as a direct result of the lack of distribution resources for little known authors, specifically in areas of Chrisitian discipleship, Bible Truth, and living out the Kingdom of God; which may not be culturally acceptable or politically correct. It is commonly known that author name recognition and/or money are primary keys to acceptance by major publishers and distributors. Major Christian publishers are no different than secular publishers when they publish what is currently popular, as their ultimate goal is also to "turn a profit". This situation has created a plethora of small publishers and self publishers. The works of self-publishers are primarily some sort of print-on-demand, which often results in the cost of printing being more than the retail price of a similar size work on the bookstore shelf. Unfortunatlely, these higher costs further eliminate bookstore chains, who require big discounts from publishers so they can maintain the "turn a profit" standard for their bookstores, which demand up to forty percent mark-up. In addition, there are few bookstores left which will place even a local author's work on their shelf, because all sales are dictated by the huge chain of which they are a part.
These are some of the other Biblical House Church sites I am aware of. I don't agree with everything they teach or every link on their site. I do believe these sites are a legitimate and a mostly edifying contribution to the discussion among all believers as to how to be the Body of Christ together. Another important note: The term Biblical "House Church" does not necessarily mean they must meet in a home, but most likely they will. The structure a Biblical assembly meets in has an influence on the thinking and functioning of the fellowship, but it is not crucial. What is important is whether the way we function and lead and relate to one another is according to the teachings of our Lord Jesus and his Apostles. For some of my thoughts on the general topic, please see: The "House Church Movement" And, also: Restoration Movements
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![]() The brother who runs the above site is a Preterist, but not a hyperpreterist... so, that's good. |
![]() These brethren seem to be Preterists, but I still love them. |
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Yelm Bible Fellowship -
House Church
Portal |
In the last few years I have begun to appreciate those assemblies of believers that are sometimes called, "The Brethren" or the "Plymouth Brethren". They have a very interesting history. They have been very influential in modern Evangelicalism, though most Evangelicals don't know anything about them. They are a very diverse group. Some are cult-like. I do not endorse the "closed" or "exclusive" brethren or any of several cults that use the name "brethren". There appears to be some segments of the Plymouth Brethren who are very institutional and fluffy like most of the Evangelical subculture. But... there also appears to be some assemblies who are loving and serious-minded disciples of Jesus. These are the people I have a kinship with. The following are some links that may help you get to know this rich branch of the Bride of Christ. As usual, I don't endorse everything on these sites or the links that they have to other sites.
Plymouth Brethren .com | |
Brethren Online .org | BrethrenPedia |
John and Suzanne Sinclair | Plymouth Brethren discussion forum |
Christian Missions in Many Lands | |
Search of Brethren sites |
"A Biblical analysis of religious and secular media"
Al and Jean Dager
P.O. Box 290
Redmond, WA 98073-0290
I would encourage you to ask for their free newsletter. I don't agree with everything they teach, but they have been such an encouragement in so many ways through their newsletter and reports. They continue to be among a very few that are contending for the Faith and refuting so many false gospels and unbiblical trends within the Body of Christ.
Articles or recommendations relating to Media Spotlight on this site: The World Christian Movement - The Purpose Driven Program - The September 11th Turning Point (my article in which I quote Al) - Books by Al Dager - The Emergent Church
Dave Hunt, Editor-in-Chief, T.A. McMahon, Executive Director
"A publication of The Berean Call, an evangelical ministry committed to encouraging Christians to grow in spiritual discernment through their study of the Bible. In Acts 17:10-11 we are told that the Bereans received what was being preached to them by the Apostle Paul and were commended because they "searched the scriptures daily" to see if those things were true. We exhort followers of Christ to emulate the Bereans as they seek biblical truth."
Free monthly newsletter. "TBC Today" is a daily email update.
The Lord used Dave Hunt's ministry to rescue me first from "motivational training" and "human potential" deceptions, and then later from "Christian activism" and the "Coalition On Revival". It was through this ministry that I learned the importance of following the Lord Jesus, alone, and not "gurus"; and about comparing EVERYTHING to God's Word as the standard of Truth.
See on this site: Items from The Berean Call from the "TBC Today"
Trails Research Project
Exposing Dangers of Contemplative Spirituality
"The Avenues Through Which Contemplative Spirituality is Entering the Church ....
"Rick Warren and the Purpose-Driven Life
Larry Crabb
and the Association of Christian CounselorsRobert Schuller and His New Age Gurus
North America's Seminaries and Colleges"
Items from the Lighthouse Trails Research Project Newsletter
"Exposing psychoheresy and its increasing stranglehold on the Church."
Martin & Deidre Bobgan, Editors
The Bobgan's are among a very few who are contending for the Faith against the false gospels of psychology. They provide an extensive and detailed analysis of various trends and people.
Isaiah 47:5
"...for thou shalt no more be called, The lady of kingdoms."
Jack Hook is a tender-hearted brother who lives in Phoenix. Jack wrote the book, Babylon
The Great Is Falling about twenty years ago and this book is the basis for his web site.
"Just before the Lord Jesus Christ came into my heart in the spring of 1978, everything in the world looked dreary and dismal. The Vietnam War I had returned from years earlier shattered all my dreams and ambitions for a peaceful life. Before my Vietnam days, I longed for a "Utopian fulfillment" like most other people."
Jack's web site proclaims our hope in Jesus Christ and warns against the false hopes of this world's political, economic, and religious systems. He has many specific convictions about the meaning of prophetic scriptures which you and I ought to search out for ourselves in God's Word. What I appreciate most is his testimony of God's grace in his life and his conviction that:
"The love of God in Christ must be shouted across the land. To love is to warn. We must expose the lies of God's enemy."
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In September of 2003 I was blessed of the Lord to get to know Jim Spencer of Boise, Idaho. Jim is a former Mormon who became a follower of Jesus Christ, pastored a church, and now ministers through authoring books, speaking, and his web sites, including Jim is licensed in the Foursquare denomination (which I do not endorse, but I love and appreciate Jim). Jim Spencer wrote a book in 1993 called, Heresy Hunters: Character Assassination in the Church, in which he calls into question the tactics of some "cult busters". |
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Job Opportunities
MeySen Schools
Sendai City, Japan
Teaching English
Two-Year Degree required to obtain work visa.
MeySen Academy
Regional Watch
Discernment Resource Ministries - Will you be a watchman?
Andy Neckar, the editor of this site, desires to be "Earnestly Contending for the Faith; Exposing Deception in Politically Correct Churches" I may not agree with all the articles or all the links, but Andy's site speaks to a lot of the unbiblical trends in the Body of Christ. I encourage you to be an Acts 17 Berean as you explore his articles and links. If there is something you disagree with, email Andy. Let me know what your thoughts are, also.
The Radical Pilgrim is not an institution, just a Bible Believing web site (a book could be a future possibility). Nor is it connected to, or belonging to any group, denomination or organization. Therefore we are not trying to get you to join "our thing" and add membership to our cause, or club (there's too many of them already), or empire (politics is not our game).
This is Tom Lamb's, Kiwi Web site. I may not agree with all the articles or all the links, but Tom's testimony of how the Lord Jesus has worked in his life is a great encouragement. And many of the issues he raises are worth examining in the light of God's Word. Please be an Acts 17 Berean as you explore his articles and links. If there is something you disagree with, email Tom. Let me know what your thoughts are, also.
Have you ever met a brother that seems to be an up-front, sincere individual, in whom there is no guile?
A Romanian brother, Cristian Secrieru, who recently immigrated to Canada.
Recently I linked to brother Cristian Secrieru's web site, and then noticed that he dedicated his book, partly, to Robert Schuller. Being concerned about that I asked him about it. And I truly appreciated his reply (which he permitted me to post).
See on this site: Cracking the Da Vinci Code - Arne Herstad
Keepers vs. Scripture
A Study page which examines the
foundational tenets of this popular Christian men's
movement, organization and it's teachings in Light of Scripture
This site is edited by W. Lee Miller who has set a great example for me as a brother who "Speaks the Truth in Love".
The God of the Bible versus the god of multi-level marketing
Consider the articles on this website, as a Berean. It's not the "business model" or the products being sold I'm concerned about when it comes to MLM. It is the idolatry and the cult mentality that is often promoted by these business organizations: Counterfeit evangelism... not evangelizing for Jesus but for "the business". Counterfeit conversions... to "the business" and its "community" not to Jesus and the Body of Christ. Counterfeit zeal... for "building the business", for building the "downline", not for the things of God, not for the calling of the New Testament for the Church, not for making disciples of Jesus... but for making disciples of the "upline". False christs and false gospels promoted by the many "must-buy-for-the-success-of-your business" books that the upline promote: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, Don't Let Anybody Steal Your Dream - Dexter Yager with Douglas Wead, The Possible Dream: A Candid Look at Amway - Charles Paul Conn, Compassionate Capitalism - Rich DeVos, Co-founder of Amway, See You At the Top - Zig Ziglar.
Internet Society Of Ex Amway Distributors With Web-Pages
This is a list of sites. They're probably not all Christians so I don't endorse all these links. But I did want to make available this subculture of people who say they've been wronged by that system.
Amway, A Different Gospel (Ex-Amway Site)
12/20/2001: It's down again! Try the above two links.
6/3/2001: It's back up.
2/4/2001: This site disappeared. If I find it again I'll put the hyperlink back up. Try "The God of Multi-Level Marketing" above.
10/2/99: There appears to be quite an attack in progress against those who desire to warn others.
I don't know who hosts this site, but it appears to be a sincere follower of the Lord Jesus. I've included it here because it raises some very important issues regarding Amway and similar organizations. May the Lord give you wisdom as to what is idolatry as opposed to a pure devotion to Jesus Christ.
"Berean Beacon Ministries proclaims the Good News of Salvation (the Gospel of Jesus Christ). The President and founder is Richard Bennett, a former Roman Catholic Priest. A number of articles are posted to help those in Catholicism to find the true Gospel of Jesus Christ."
"The greatest obstacle to the Gospel is silence. By remaining silent and hoping that our Christian life will testify for itself we fail to keep the Lords commandment. The commandment, go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. means to go and speak the Word to the Catholic! The majority of Nuns and Priests and former Catholics that I know who have been saved out of Catholicism all testify to the fact that no Bible believer ever approached them about their salvation. Christs commandment to give the good news is a commandment, not a request!"
As far as I can tell the person who operates the above web site does not profess to be a follower of Jesus, so of course, use discernment as you peruse it. But his warnings to others about CoS is something worth considering.
Disclaimer for the following sites:
The following links are for information and research purposes only. Not only do I not endorse these sites, but I warn against what they stand for. May the Lord give you discernment.
This site will give you a glimpse of one perspective of the human rulers of this world system.
The Council on Foreign Relations
This organization is older than the Trilateral Commission. This organization played a role in forming the Trilateral Commission.
The WCC is the ultimate in Protestant "churchianity" and Visions of Global Unity. This is the place to learn about Protestant ecumenicalism. (Thanks to the sister who suggested this link!)
"With its historical roots in the Jewish and Christian traditions, Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religion -- that is, a religion that keeps an open mind to the religious questions people have struggled with in all times and places. We believe that personal experience, conscience and reason should be the final authorities in religion, and that in the end religious authority lies not in a book or person or institution, but in ourselves. We are a "non-creedal" religion: we do not ask anyone to subscribe to a creed."
Unitarian Universalist Association
Preparing the world for the counterfeit Christ: Some people I really care about are Unitarian! I'm not against people, but I do want to contrast what I believe the Bible teaches with what is advocated by the UUA. My main reason for mentioning the UUA on my website is to, not so much criticize the UUA, but to try to show those who profess to be Evangelical Christians that they are effectively becoming Unitarians, whether they know it or not! Jim B.
Tolerance - Four Ways Christians Are Deceived - Lucifer, the Garden of Eden, & the Tower of Babel - Who Jesus is - Thy Word is Truth - The Good News - Agnostics for Jesus! - The False Gospel of Self Esteem - CREDO: A Glimpse of the World Religion - The Bahai Faith - Freemasons and Other Occult Brotherhoods - Three Choices for Truth