
It is wrong for Evangelical believers to quote G. K. Chesterton
as if he was an Evangelical Christian because he was not. He was a
Roman Catholic. One of the most serious deceptions today is the
merging of Evangelicalism with Roman Catholicism as the Roman
Catholic gospel is a false gospel of works.

I’m reading Chesterton’s autobiography published in 1936, loaned
to me by a beloved friend, given to him by another beloved friend.
G.K. Chesterton is very interesting to me. But then so is Malcolm X
and Che Guevara. Chesterton had some rich discussions with agnostic
intellectuals such as George Bernard Shaw and yet, believers in
Jesus should resist taking sides in debates when both sides are in
rebellion against the God of the Bible.

Please consider the below quote from page 75 of The
Autobiography of G. K. Chesterton
published by New York: Sheed
& Ward in 1936.

“I have grieved my well-wishers, and many of the wise
and prudent, by my reckless course in becoming a Christian, an
orthodox Christian, and finally a Catholic in the sense of a Roman
Catholic… Now in most of the matters of which they chiefly
disapprove, I am not in the least ashamed of myself… I am proud of
being fettered by antiquated dogmas… I am very proud of what people
call priestcraft; since even that accidental term of abuse preserves
the mediaeval truth that a priest, like every other man, ought to be
a craftsman. I am very proud of what people call Mariolatry; because
it introduced into religion in the darkest ages that element of
chivalry which is now being belatedly and badly understood in the
form of feminism. I am very proud of being orthodox about the
mysteries of the Trinity or the Mass; I am proud of believing in the
Confessional; I am proud of of believing in the Papacy.” [Of course
the Trinity is Biblical but the other sources of his pride are
unbiblical. – Editor of Procinwarn.com]

Four Way Christians are Deceived

Roman Catholic Empire


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