To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord
Ephesians 3:10-11
Our Lord brings Christian friends our way. He blesses us with Christian friendships and relationships.
I recommend that Christian friends meet together regularly to fellowship in Jesus’ name: to pray together, to break bread together, to sing songs to the Lord together, to read, discuss, and teach the Bible together, to testify to God’s faithfulness and God’s grace in our lives, to discuss important things, to bear one another’s burdens, to worship our Lord Jesus, to build up and encourage one another in our relationship with the Lord.
I recommend that adults, teenagers, and children, married couples and single people meet together.
When Christians meet together, Jesus is the center of attention and the Holy Spirit is the leader, and all things are done decently and in order. One can bring a hymn, one a testimony, another can read a scripture, another can bring a teaching from God’s Word. Each can participate as led by God’s Spirit, according to the Word of God. Each can contribute to the worship of our Lord and the edification of one another, according to the gifts and callings the Father puts on our lives. He works through our lives by his sovereignty, by the Holy Spirit. Each ought to have the responsibility of encouraging all to be accountable to the Truth of God’s Word, while motivated by God’s Love.
Jesus builds his Church. Jesus leads his Church. In God’s timing and by his choosing, some brothers will serve as elders, and others will serve as deacons. All will participate in the caring and ministering of the fellowship. All should submit to one another. All will have a heart to proclaim the Gospel to the lost and to serve the needy and to make disciples of Jesus. Some will be sent as evangelists and missionaries. The fellowship will baptize new believers.
Christian friends will meet together regularly and their lives will be intertwined day in and day out. We can rejoice together and mourn together. The fellowship can participate in weddings and memorials together. All can persevere together with one another in love.
Each can give generously to support evangelists and missionaries and to help anyone as they have need.
Each brother and sister ought to walk in trust and obedience in their relationship to the Lord Jesus. Each ought to be devoted to learning and applying God’s Word. All should have a heart to understand the truth taught in the Old and New Testaments and the commandments for the Church taught in the New Testament.
Together the fellowship of the Saints can pursue being all that God has called them to be in the New Testament. The fellowship can seek together to apply what is taught so that meetings are conducted as the New Testament teaches and that lives outside of the meetings are lived as the New Testament teaches.
I would love to hear your comments and questions about my recommendations. Please email me and please refer to the title of this page.
Important Principles to Understand
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