A Brief History of Conspiracy Theories

Ones about the Illuminati   Protocols of the Elders of Zion (anti-Semitic)   Ones by the John Birch Society from 1950s and 60s (right wing)   Ones by the Lyndon LaRouchies 1970s (semi-left wing)   Ones by Constance Cumbey 1980s (New Age NWO from a...


No matter how radical you think you are… There’s always somebody who thinks you’re not radical enough! Which is Worse: Ignorance or Apathy? Walking in the Spirit Abide in the Vine For the “Great Leader” Counterfeit...

Hegelian Dialectic

2/25/2006 The “Hegelian Dialectic” is the process by which history is said to move onward and upward to perfection, the “Realization of Spirit”, according to the German philosopher, G.W.F Hegel (1770-1831).  This is a pagan concept, similar to Karma, in which an...

Scientology vs. Psychiatry

The Hegelian Dialectic Scientology vs. Psychiatry Satan works both sides of every worldly conflict. 7/1/05 Both Scientology and Psychiatry promise the Fruit of the Spirit without the Spirit of Christ. One calls itself “The Church of” and uses mind power...

Da Vinci Code Deception

Da Vinci Code Deception Two Effects * Denying who Jesus is * Yoking with Roman Catholicism The greatest deception is in portraying Jesus as just a good teacher; just a man, while Genesis through Revelation reveals that God loved us so much that He became one of us to...