Education for the New World Order

This is an outline of one of the presentations I was giving in about 1988-90. If you have any questions or comments about the topics I’ve laid out here, please email me.   I. Background – How I came to understand the system. A. PSNS “Train the...

Opus Dei

A Secret SocietyOpus Dei5/29/06 Time Magazine (4/24/06) documented a lot about this Roman Catholic secret society. Evangelicals who are being seduced into endorsing Roman Catholicism need to face facts. The Pope endorses Opus Dei. Its principles derive from what is...

National Identification Numbers

This letter to the Editor of the Sun was published August 23rd, 1998, in response to the “Forum” topic on Federal Identification Numbers…”From the Cradle to the Grave”. An accompanying cartoon shows a mother and a baby and their doctor...


Letter to the Editor of the Bremerton Sun October 1990 Mikhail Gorbachev recently said, “Tolerance is the Alpha and Omega of the New World Order”. Tolerance used to mean respecting a differing view without having to be accepting of it. These days...

About “Conspiracies”

The fact that powerful people plan is not the same thing as the idolatrous speculation of a conspiracy theory. “We must be very careful when it comes to speculation about conspiracies, particularly if they lead us away from the Word of God. Consequently, we do...

The September 11th Turning Point

11/17/01 Every event will be contrived or taken advantage of for the purpose of establishing the new order: a global government, economic, and religious system. World history is unfolding just as the Bible said it would. The whole world is being prepared for the...

The Symbol of the Skull & Bones

  Where is it found in history? Knights Templar, Occult & Murderous Pirates, Nazi SS, Order of the Skull & Bones The “Death’s Head” What groups? What movements? What do they have in common? What significance does it have today? Both...