This post is part of my commentary on the series, “A History of Anti-Christ“, by the late Albert James Dager. See Part I – The Antedeluvian Age


I tend to believe that the Bible teaches a young earth. Al believes in an ancient creation.

In part 33 Al says, “In many Christian circles, belief in anything other than a young (approximately 6,000-year-old) creation is tantamount to denying the Word of God and allying oneself with Darwinian evolutionists. This has caused [rifts] in the Body of Christ between those who accept the evidence of science for an ancient creation and those who accuse them of selling out to secularism. It isn’t the purpose of this article to defend either position. My focus is on how anti- Christ has pitted brethren in Christ against one another, even to the point of breaking fellowship, over how one perceives the evidence in Scripture regarding the creation of the cosmos. The important issue is the creation of man as a unique being in the image and likeness of God. Whether the six days of Genesis describe the original creation or its re-creation from chaos doesn’t bear on our relationship with our Father in Heaven. But to suggest that man evolved from a lower life form is to denigrate not only all mankind, but Jesus Himself. Whatever one believes regarding the creation of the cosmos, I do not disqualify him as a brother in Christ. We may have all knowledge, but if we do not have love, we are nothing. We cannot allow Satan to drive this wedge between us as brethren in Christ.”

I agree that disciples of Jesus must be careful how we disagree with one another and how we decide what is heresy and what are reasonabe disputes among brothers in Christ.