by Jim Baumgaertel | May 9, 2022 | The New World Order, The World System
Ones about the Illuminati Protocols of the Elders of Zion (anti-Semitic) Ones by the John Birch Society from 1950s and 60s (right wing) Ones by the Lyndon LaRouchies 1970s (semi-left wing) Ones by Constance Cumbey 1980s (New Age NWO from a...
by Jim Baumgaertel | Dec 3, 2021 | Disciple of Jesus Christ
Is your news network taking the place of the Holy Spirit in your life? Is the despising of others, anger, and hostility replacing the fruit of the Spirit in your life? When your news network causes you to despise people and to be angry and hostile, and when you no...
by Jim Baumgaertel | Jul 17, 2021 | Counterfeit Christianity
Updated 8/22/2023 I agree that there’s no such thing as different races. We all have the same skin pigment: melanin. Some have more, some have less. While there is no such thing as race, racism does exist. Racism is a manifestation of self-centered humans harming...
by Jim Baumgaertel | May 15, 2021 | Loving the Truth
We are living in the remnants of the Roman Empire, which will be revived for a time with the Anti-Christ ruling. The Bible gives us an outline of the history of the universe from creation until the New Heaven and New Earth of eternity. An important part of this...
by Jim Baumgaertel | Feb 2, 2021 | Counterfeit Christianity
Updated 6/11/2024 The end does not justify the means. Don’t sell your soul to the devil to do “God‘s work”. There is nobody in American politics more self-absorbed and hateful than Donald Trump. Evangelical Christians that worship Donald Trump are deceived. Updated...