“God” …a false god

The whole world talks about “God”. Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Mormons, Masons, Wiccans, Presidents, terrorists, Queens, homosexuals, feminists, entertainment celebrities, etc. Increasingly, professing Evangelical Christians speak on and on about...

Da Vinci Code Deception

Da Vinci Code Deception Two Effects * Denying who Jesus is * Yoking with Roman Catholicism The greatest deception is in portraying Jesus as just a good teacher; just a man, while Genesis through Revelation reveals that God loved us so much that He became one of us to...

Temple Prostitutes

11/06 What if your friends were thinking of sending their child, by himself, to be a witness to the temple prostitutes? What if they were considering turning their children over to the temple for several hours a day to be taught by them… all in the interest of...