A Leader Who Trusts God vs. One Who Does Not

8/2/08 A leader who trusts God will be content to let God work. Jesus is our King and Lord and is active in world events and in the lives of individuals. Jesus works through His Holy Spirit and in and through the lives of His Bride, the Church, the assembly of...

Leadership Among Christians

Most Christian men get their view of what leadership should be from the world instead of from the New Testament. The influence on them comes from their workplace, popular culture, and religious traditions. Posted 11/6/07 Updated 11/13/07 Motivational Training Human...

Franklin Graham Festival?

Franklin Graham Festival? Billy Graham Crusade? Will Graham Celebration? [Posted 5/07 – updated 7/2018] Why do they name their organizations and bandwagon programs after themselves? Why do they seem to invade a region and try to merge all the churches? Do they...

Mark Driscoll and the Acts 29 Network

  3/18/07 updated 7/15/2018 and 3/30/2022 Questions in 2007   Does the Acts 29 Network seek to become the next Calvary Chapel non-denominational denomination? Will Mars Hill be the next Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa? Does Mark Driscoll plan to be the next Chuck...