There is a Spiritual Battle for your Assembly

Perhaps one or more of your leaders are tempted by pride and prestige. A Mega church guru (or wannabe) portrays himself as a Moses over the people and therefore a counterfeit Christ. He wants people to come hold his arms up as if he was the center of all that is...

“Rule over us”

Then the men of Israel said unto Gideon, Rule thou over us, both thou, and thy son, and thy son’s son also: for thou hast delivered us from the hand of Midian. And Gideon said unto them, I will not rule over you, neither shall my son rule over you: the Lord...

Outcasts & Rejects

Outcasts & Rejects from Churchianity Are you one? Three types of experiences: No opportunity to minister in your church Your church has coercive, oppressive leaders Your church is going down apostate paths What a blessing when one is a part of an assembly of...

Men in their 20s & 30s

  11/15/06 Updated 12/4/06   Young men are conditioned, by the World in general and by the Evangelical Subculture in particular, to see the Christian life as a career ladder in the Church to climb for ever increasing power and prestige. 1. Pew Sitter 2....

Lancaster County, PA

Attention: Lancaster County, PA !! Are there any Biblical House Churches in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania? Are there any assemblies, regardless of where you meet, that are elder-led, and committed to our Lord Jesus according to the Bible, without legalism, motivated...