WTO in Seattle

Satan works both sides. World Trade Organization 11/26/99 (updated 11/29/09) The worldly powers of global corporations are clashing this week with the worldly powers of a protest coalition of leftists, labor organizations, and environmentalist groups. The Third World...

About Dressing Modestly

“Unlike animals, human nakedness has a moral and spiritual dimension [Rev.3:18]. From Eden, man’s covering was insufficient apart from God’s provision and standard. Clothing is to cover shame, not to allure or entice, even unconsciously to do...

Christ: Head of His Church

A newly re-edited book By Brother Steve Phillips A returned missionary from West Africa CHRIST IS ALL For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain Phil.1:21 “Christianity is no moral reformation. It is a new creation. Existing raw materials have not been...