by Jim Baumgaertel | Jan 6, 2008 | Churchianity
“The abominable heresy that divides the church of God into the ‘clergy’ and the ‘laity’, is unknown in the word of God. This did not come into being until the latter part of the second century, as a perusal of any reliable ‘Church...
by Jim Baumgaertel | May 27, 2007 | Gospel for West Africa, Out of the Depths - The Mystery of Suffering, Steve Phillips
BELOVED, DO NOT BE SURPRISED AT THE FIERY TRIAL AMONG YOU, WHICH COMES UPON YOU FOR YOUR TESTING, AS THOUGH SOME STRANGE THING WERE HAPPENING TO YOU [I Pet.4:12] If the Master is maligned as Beelzebub, the members of His house must fare even worse at the hands of men...
by Jim Baumgaertel | Apr 19, 2007 | Are We Like Christ?, Gospel for West Africa, Steve Phillips, THE STORM BREAKS - Chapter 4
For the first three hundred years, persecution came in ten “waves,� with periods of relative peace between. Many were faithful and did not yield to temptations to deny Christ. These were the Confessors [faithful survivors of torture and prison] and Martyrs. Others...
by Jim Baumgaertel | Mar 28, 2007 | Gospel for West Africa, Out of the Depths - The Mystery of Suffering, Steve Phillips
BLESSED IS HE WHO DOES NOT STUMBLE OVER ME [Mt.11:6] A man sent from God [Jn.1:6], indeed, none greater that has been born of women [Mt.11:11] and more than a prophet [Mt.11:9]; this was John. Filled with the Spirit while yet in his mother’s womb [Lk.1:15] and...
by Jim Baumgaertel | Mar 17, 2007 | Gospel for West Africa, Patti Phillips
Dear Sisters in the Lord, Who is our God? He is a consuming fire. He is love, and light. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. Who are we? We are His children, servants, bride, and body. We are His priests, branches, and sheep. We are His possession. We are not...