Tearing down ministries?

First posted 12/17/2001 This is an open letter to ELRIII.  I tried to reply to your return address but it wasn’t accepted by your ISP. Please email me, if you see this. From: ELRIII I guess you’re the only Christian in the world. You’re doing a great...

Lancaster County, PA

Attention: Lancaster County, PA !! Are there any Biblical House Churches in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania? Are there any assemblies, regardless of where you meet, that are elder-led, and committed to our Lord Jesus according to the Bible, without legalism, motivated...

Pat’s Email about Being the Church

Problems in Institutional Churches Problems in House Churches Jesus will help us! The following is an email I received from a lady recently that expresses well some of the concerns many of us have about being the Body of Christ together regardless of the format....