Baha’i Faith

Below is an article written in 1990 for a home schooling newsletter. I posted the article on this website in February of 2000.  I’ve made some changes to the article (March 2001) based on email from adherents to Baha’i Faith. I have no problem correcting...

CREDO: A Glimpse of the World Religion

The U.S. Navy Chaplain’s “CREDO” program is a sobering glimpse of what the World Religion of the Counterfeit Christ may look like. CREDO is an example of what global “Christianity” is heading towards… a universal counterfeit. It’s a perfect example of what I call,...

About The Matrix Reloaded

May 24, 2003 There will be no “partying” in Hell.   The Matrix is a Masonic Myth and that rhymes with Smith. Freemasons call their god, “The Great Architect of the Universe”: GAOTU. The Wachowski brothers, Larry and Andy, wrote and directed The Matrix...

Cracking the Da Vinci Code

By Arne Herstad The Da Vinci Code, which has lately created such a stir, collides with verifiable facts of ancient history. It alleges, through a character introduced in chapter 55, that certain Gnostic writings kept out of the New Testament would swing truth on...

Scientology vs. Psychiatry

The Hegelian Dialectic Scientology vs. Psychiatry Satan works both sides of every worldly conflict. 7/1/05 Both Scientology and Psychiatry promise the Fruit of the Spirit without the Spirit of Christ. One calls itself “The Church of” and uses mind power...