
In the April 2006 newsletter of “Present Testimony Ministry”, Frank Viola discusses how he became acquainted with the techniques of mystics in “contemplative” prayer.

See the text of his newsletter.

I sent an email to Frank Viola raising my concerns and suggesting a discussion between him and the Lighthouse Trails people.

Frank Viola is a long-time leader among some segments of the House Church movement.

While not supporting the “house church movement” I am an advocate of house churches.

I am greatly concerned about the infiltration of ancient Catholic mysticism into the professing Evangelical churches, whether they be institutional churches or house churches.


Storytelling or Myth-Making? Frank Viola and Ivan Illich

Frank Viola, George Barna, & the Emerging Church

Frank Viola – MinistryMind

Jim Baumgaertel

The Emergent Church Movement

Items from the Lighthouse Trails Research Project Newsletter

The “House Church Movement”

Four Ways Christians Are Deceived

Lucifer, the Garden of Eden, & the Tower of Babel

Gene Edwards articles

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