This post is part of my commentary on the series, “A History of Anti-Christ“, by the late Albert James Dager. See Part XXXII – The Twentieth Century – Part C

Al Dager repeatedly warns against anti-Semitism and he makes very clear that God will restore Israel and work His purposes in and through Israel just as the Bible says.

Towards the end of part 35 Al, says, “However, the idea that several international banks are owned or controlled by Jews has been fodder for anti-Semitic sentiments that blame all the world’s evils on “the Jews.” The truth is that many international bankers are not Jewish, and in fact are comprised of Asians, Europeans, and Arabs, among others.”

This clearly show Al’s views about anti-Semitic conspiracy theories that blame all on the Jews. In part 32, Al says, “Because all these national banks have their original foundation in the international banking family of the Rothschilds and certain Jewish-affiliated money interests, it is assumed that the international banking cabal is Jewish. It is to a large degree, but not exclusively. Wealthy nationals from many nations are involved in the international banking scheme. Yet we cannot escape the truth that certain unscrupulous anti-Christ Jews were the foundation and are still the backbone of the conspiracy. These are often referred to as those “who say they are Jews, but are not,” and are of “the synagogue of Satan” (Revelation 3:9).” If this section is taken out of context, some might think Al is implying an anti-Semitic Jewish conspiracy. He is not as shown by the quoted section from part 35.


About “Conspiracies”

Chicken Little on the Road to Damascus