
The Evangelical media has been spotlighting John Glenn’s comments about belief in God and his Church involvement. And yet John Glenn is a Freemason.

“John Glenn’s return to space has reinvigorated his faith. The experiences of seeing the Earth from the vantage point of 340 miles up “only strengthens my beliefs,” he said during a news conference from the space capsule. The 77-year-old Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) elder said he prays every day and believes that “everybody should.”  (CURRENT NEWS SUMMARY for November 2nd, 1998, by the Editors at ReligionToday.com)

It is of great concern to me that the media of the Evangelical subculture lacks discernment… or worse. We can expect to hear important people speak increasingly about “God” as we move closer to the rule of the Counterfeit Christ. And yet, if they do not profess the Jesus of the Bible in terms of the Gospel of the Bible, they are speaking deception.


Freemasonry and the Pattern of its Influence

Freemasons and Other Occult Brotherhoods

President Ford’s Memorial

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