Originally posted about 2009
The following is Procinwarn.com commentary on a Media Spotlight article.
Biblical Basis for Moral Government?
Some thoughts about Paul Shirk’s Book, Come Out of Her My People
As quoted in the Summer 2009 issue of Media Spotlight (which I usually agree with) Posted here 6/15/09
Paul Shirk states:
“If God has ordained government and rulers over the affairs of this life then it cannot be said that He is indifferent to earthly government, but rather that He has a specific will concerning it.”
Of course God is not indifferent to earthly government. That does not mean that He has expressed in the Bible what civil governments should do.
All authority exists by God’s will and for His purposes, though none of the individuals who are in power in those governments are necessarily endorsed by Him. God raises up kings and He takes down kings. How God deals with these rulers is His business.
Those who have not been reconciled to God through Jesus Christ are enemies of God. There is nothing they can do to please God. God’s calling for individuals, whether in power as rulers or not, is to repent and trust in Jesus.
For Christians, the important question is what has the New Testament called us to be concerned with?
Yes, we are to exemplify and proclaim Biblical morality, but only in the context of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Yes, we are to obey civil government.
But there is not a single command in the New Testament that tells us to concern ourselves with how worldly governments constitute themselves.
There is great pressure for professing Christians to become politically active to one degree or another.
I recommend we derive our priorities and zeal from specifically what the New Testament commands and not try to contrive extra biblical agendas for the assembly of Christ.
Comments by Procinwarn.com editor, Jim B.
See Masonic History below
Media Spotlight
A MASONIC HISTORY OF AMERICA – Is This Really a Christian Nation?
Get Al Dager’s pdf of this report Published in 1990
Included in this report is the following article:
“Nature’s God” ?
Special Report on the Elections
Please read Media Spotlight’s pdf report on the Elections.
Fall 2008 (Posted here 11/3/08)
Who will be our authority?
“With the up coming elections many Christians are concerned about the future not only for the country, but for their personal lives. What will things be like with Barack Obama or John McCain as president? What will they be like with a Republican or Democrat Congress? How will our economy fare? What will happen to Roe v. Wade? What will happen with illegal immigration? Not all who call them selves Christians are in agreement on those issues. Of particular concern is who will occupy the office of the presidency.”Read the rest of the article (pdf).
“Speak evil of no man.”
A Report on the Counterfeit Revival in Florida
by Al Dager of Media Spotlight
Lakeland Outpouring
in second month
Media Spotlight Summer 2008
Posted on procinwarn.com 6/23/08
It began on April 2 when 32-year old Canadian evangelist Todd Bentley visited Ignited Church in Lakeland Florida. The “Lakeland Outpouring” is another outlet for the same spirit that manifested itself in “The Toronto Blessing” and “The Brownsville Revival.” Spectacular claims of healings are being made, resulting in tens of thousands of people visiting the site where it is said a new move of God is occurring. Having outgrown the auditorium at Ignited Church, the alleged revival is now being held at 8,OOO-seat Lakeland Center.
Todd Bentley, sporting tattoos that rival those of Ray Bradbury’s “Illustrated Man,” is a charismatic charismatic who states that the day after his initial evening of ministering at Ignited Church an angel visited him in his apartment. Now his mission is to teach about “the angel” who will usher in a new era of divine healing. He claims that God has said to him, “Todd, you’re a first fruits of a whole new era that’s being released in the Church concerning the coming healing revival.”
Bentley says that the angel would often visit him, up to thirty times in one year. He hasn’t seen the angel lately, but Bentley believes he still shows up in meetings where Bentley feels him standing to his left. He claims that people in the audience tell him that when he prays they see an angel with him. Says Bentley:
We will never see the impartation and the ministry of the supernatural that God is releasing until we’re willing to acknowledge his ministers the ones that do His Word. God speaks the healing word; the angels do his word. They are actively involved because there’s such a demonic influence even in the Church today that causes infirmity and sickness, and we do not battle against flesh and blood; we do not battle with demonic powers; the angelic hosts do. And the moment we begin to have an understanding and a reality – and thank you, God, for your angels; that’s what we’re saying, thank you, God for your angels. They’re working with us. In fact, they have nothing to do in Heaven but serve God’s purpose in you.
Read the rest of the article at Media Spotlight. Download the pdf article: Deceptions
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Media Spotlight Articles
Now available in pdf form from their site:
DELIVERANCE – Demonization and the Christian – (230 kb)
RENOVARÉ – Taking Leave of One’s Senses – (296 kb)
C.S. LEWIS – The Man and His Myths – (74 kb)
FOUR TEMPERAMENTS – Astrology and Personality Testing – (115 kb)
THE PURPOSE DRIVEN PROGRAM – A growing PHENOMENON in the Churches – (3.5 mbs)
APOSTOLIC REFORMATION – A New Move or an Old Deception? – (100 kb)
THE ALPHA COURSE – Chapter and Verse on Alpha’s Jesus – (360 kb)
ALLEGIANCE: To Whom Do We Pledge? – (2.3 mbs)
THE DA VINCI CODE – Truth or Gnostic Propaganda? – (1.7 mbs)
The Bitter Heart
A Testimony by Jean Dager
“Over the years I’ve known people who are bitter about life. This includes believers as well as non-believers in Jesus. I’m sure we all can say we have met such people from time to time. Perhaps they even have good reason to be bitter: a stressful marriage; a painful and sorrowful past; loss of material wealth due to the treachery of others; ill health; disappointment over failed plans, or myriad other reasons.”
See the entire article
(pdf file 140 kb)
From 3/2006 Media Spotlight
Volume 29 – Number 1