“Church of Christ”
Shepherding Movement

Avoid Prideful Crusades
Restore a Right Relationship


When you see the term “Restoration Movement”, it’s usually a tip off to an unbiblical organization or doctrine. I have seen a few brothers-in-Christ, who are mostly sound, use the term “restoration” to describe what they stand for, but I would rather they didn’t use the term. I don’t believe that just the use of the term makes a person or group corrupt. But I do recommend examining closely (as always!) what they claim to be restoring.



Mormons, for example, claim to be restoring the only true Church. They claim that until the 1830s, there had been no true Church on the earth since a falling away in the first century. But the religious system they “restore” is based on ancient occult doctrine and rituals that have no basis in the Bible! They teach that each person can eternally progress to godhood!


“Church of Christ”

The “non-denominational” denomination called the “Church of Christ” claims that theirs is a “restoration movement”. Also started in the 1800s, their movement claims to be restoring “primitive Christianity”… true first century New Testament Christianity. Sounds good at first, until you realize that their religious system is every bit as institutional as any other denomination. And they are often steeped in legalism. Many of them refuse to allow instrumental music. Some of them teach that you are not saved until you’re baptized. And you must be baptized by one of their ministers.


Shepherding Movement

The “Shepherding Movement” or “New Wine” of the 1970s and 80s also billed itself as a “restoration movement”. It was guilty of great excesses in the name of “discipleship” with leaders who lorded it over the people, with “translocal authority” and hierarchies. It was closely associated with the Kingdom Now – Dominion movements who advocated (and still do advocate) a “take over the world for Christendom” mentality. They were also associated with “Bible Accountability Group” concepts of the “Coalition On Revival” (COR) and they were loosely associated with the Reconstructionist Movement.


Avoid Prideful Crusades

We ought to avoid the prideful crusade attitude of “movements” seeking to take over the world or Christendom with religious agendas. With Jesus as our sovereign Lord and his Holy Spirit in charge of the true Church of Jesus, we can trust him and be content in doing the simple callings of evangelism, making disciples, fellowshipping in his name, ministering to the needy, and contending for the faith. We don’t need to take upon our shoulders the burden of changing the world or reforming Christendom. We can simply proclaim the Truth to whoever will listen and leave the results in God’s hands.


Restore a Right Relationship

What each of us are called to “restore” is a right relationship with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. We are called to fellowship in Jesus’ name with one another in accordance with the New Testament. For 2000 years there has been a remnant chosen by grace who have done just that. Each generation of believers has been accountable to Jesus and his Word, the Bible, to follow him and fellowship as the Body of Christ. The previous generation made disciples of the next, but each generation has been accountable to the Lord; not to the last generation, or the last century, or the first century, or any traditions of men, or any organization, institution, or “restoration movement”.

Like I said at the start, not everyone who uses the term “restoration” is necessarily unbiblical. I just think it is unnecessary, and I would rather they not because of the association of that term with the Mormons, the “Church of Christ”, and the Shepherding Movement.

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What is the Church?

An Appeal to Mormons

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