To the coercive and abusive and controlling
Church Leader: 

Do you see the similarities between how you operate and how Saddam Hussein, the dictator of Iraq, is being portrayed?


Saddam Hussein built a political system that revolved around his personality.

Saddam demanded complete loyalty to himself, and controlled the people by fear and intimidation.

Anyone who disagreed with Saddam was branded an enemy and risked death.

Saddam invited the praise of his followers and cultivated their adulation. 

Four Ways Christians Are Deceived

The Moses Cults

Counterfeit Christs: Is your pastor a one-man show?

Cult Isolation Techniques

What does it take for a cult follower to realize he’s worshipping the cult leader?

Machiavelli and How Rulers Think

Who Should Lead in the Body of Christ? – Commentary

Sadam Hussein – wikipedia

More about Coercive Church Leaders

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