“Salad Bowl Sunday”
(2/27/05) (updated 1/31/2022)

The “6th Annual Salad Bowl Sunday”, was held February 27th, 2005, and was advertised in the Bremerton Sun newspaper. The ad included the photos of six area clergymen and the event was sponsored by at least eight area churches.

It is very Biblical for followers of Jesus to love everyone and to be involved in the lives of the people in society. It is very Biblical for followers of Jesus to fellowship across the ethnic and racial boundaries that divide the world.

I recommend that we be cautious that these Biblical priorities not be used to promote events that yoke Biblical Christians with those that preach a different Jesus and a different gospel.


Commentary on Current Events – Index

Foursquare and Apostolics ??? 

Four Ways Christians Are Deceived – Lucifer, the Garden of Eden, & the Tower of Babel 

Professing Evangelical Christians are effectively becoming Unitarians.


George Otis Jr: Mystical Warfare in Kitsap County


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