[From an article in the Los Angeles Times, USA, Jan. 2, 2005, By Dan Weikel and William Lobdell, Times Staff Writers, posted on the Religion New Blog]

Robert H. Schuller, 79, protégé of the late Norman Vincent Peale (33rd Degree Freemason) has turned over the reigns of power to his son, Robert A. Schuller, 51, as clergyman of the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California.

“The Rev. Billy Graham said in a statement that the younger Schuller “is a great communicator and will more than fill his father’s shoes.”” (according to the article.)

Known for his “Possibility Thinking” form of Positive Thinking and his gospel of Self-Esteem, the senior Schuller has promoted seeker-friendly mega-churches for decades.

“”The Crystal Cathedral has been very much based and rooted in a personality,” Miller said. “The congregation will see the father in the son. But in the long term, as the father’s influence and memory fades, he’s going to have to make it on his own.”

“Yet, it is possible for the sons of great ministers to continue the work of their fathers, and even flourish. At Lakewood Church in Houston, Pastor Joel Osteen expanded the congregation from 6,000 to 30,000, making it the largest church in the nation, after his father died in 1999.”

The grandson, Robert V. Schuller, is at Fuller Seminary and is expected to help his father with his new duties.

Positive Thinking

Son Inherits Country from Father

Jon Courson: Applegate Christian Fellowship 

Billy Graham

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