Lesser of Two Evils?

2003     Some professing Christians may justify their yoking with Bush or Kerry as the choosing between the “Lesser of Two Evils”. But, did our Lord Jesus pick sides between the licentiousness of the woman caught in adultery and the legalism of...


Letter to the Editor of the Bremerton Sun October 1990 Mikhail Gorbachev recently said, “Tolerance is the Alpha and Omega of the New World Order”. Tolerance used to mean respecting a differing view without having to be accepting of it. These days...

The September 11th Turning Point

11/17/01 Every event will be contrived or taken advantage of for the purpose of establishing the new order: a global government, economic, and religious system. World history is unfolding just as the Bible said it would. The whole world is being prepared for the...

A Leader Shows Up On the Scene

First posted 2005   Jesus warns us about deceptive leaders in the last days. A leader shows up on the scene claiming to be a Christian. The leader is a member of the occult secret society, the Order of the Skull & Bones. The leader promotes the unity of many...