Opus Dei

A Secret SocietyOpus Dei5/29/06 Time Magazine (4/24/06) documented a lot about this Roman Catholic secret society. Evangelicals who are being seduced into endorsing Roman Catholicism need to face facts. The Pope endorses Opus Dei. Its principles derive from what is...

The Symbol of the Skull & Bones

  Where is it found in history? Knights Templar, Occult & Murderous Pirates, Nazi SS, Order of the Skull & Bones The “Death’s Head” What groups? What movements? What do they have in common? What significance does it have today? Both...

Baha’i Faith

Below is an article written in 1990 for a home schooling newsletter. I posted the article on this website in February of 2000.  I’ve made some changes to the article (March 2001) based on email from adherents to Baha’i Faith. I have no problem correcting...

What is the “New Thought Movement”?

Which Evangelical Leaders have been most responsible for infecting Evangelicalism with – deceptions from the “New Thought” movement or popularizing the occult or occult fantasy or mysticism or the human potential movement??   The New Thought movement has been...