The September 11th Turning Point

11/17/01 Every event will be contrived or taken advantage of for the purpose of establishing the new order: a global government, economic, and religious system. World history is unfolding just as the Bible said it would. The whole world is being prepared for the...

The Symbol of the Skull & Bones

  Where is it found in history? Knights Templar, Occult & Murderous Pirates, Nazi SS, Order of the Skull & Bones The “Death’s Head” What groups? What movements? What do they have in common? What significance does it have today? Both...

A Leader Shows Up On the Scene

First posted 2005   Jesus warns us about deceptive leaders in the last days. A leader shows up on the scene claiming to be a Christian. The leader is a member of the occult secret society, the Order of the Skull & Bones. The leader promotes the unity of many...