President Ford’s Memorial

at the National Cathedral 1/2/2007 A believer in the Lord Jesus might have many mixed feelings and observations and analyses as he watched the ceremonies and listened to the speeches and pondered the context and history and gathered rulers and personalities as the...

Hegelian Dialectic

2/25/2006 The “Hegelian Dialectic” is the process by which history is said to move onward and upward to perfection, the “Realization of Spirit”, according to the German philosopher, G.W.F Hegel (1770-1831).  This is a pagan concept, similar to Karma, in which an...

The Financial Crisis Turning Point

10/20/08 Every event will be contrived or taken advantage of for the purpose of establishing the new order: a global government, economic, and religious system. World history is unfolding just as the Bible said it would. The whole world is being prepared for the...

“God” …a false god

The whole world talks about “God”. Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Mormons, Masons, Wiccans, Presidents, terrorists, Queens, homosexuals, feminists, entertainment celebrities, etc. Increasingly, professing Evangelical Christians speak on and on about...