First posted 12/17/2001

This is an open letter to ELRIII.  I tried to reply to your return address but it wasn’t accepted by your ISP. Please email me, if you see this.


I guess you’re the only Christian in the world. You’re doing a great job
tearing down ministries that are reaching thousands for Christ. Great going!!


It’s very important that you and I talk about important things, and not just
attack each other personally.

Everything I’ve put on my website deals with something I consider to be very
serious as to “Who is Jesus Christ?” and “What is the Gospel?“.

I have not tried to say who is a Christian and who is not. I’ve simply tried
to point out the many ways that Christians are being deceived.

When I became a Christian about 23 years ago, I was taught basic truths of
God’s Word as to who Jesus is and what is the gospel. Over the years I’ve
been amazed at how there has been a continual perverting of these truths
within Evangelical Christianity.

Please let me know specifically where you believe that I’m wrong, and let’s
talk about it in the light of God’s Word.

Jesus loves you and me,

Jim Baumgaertel