by Jim Baumgaertel | Jun 20, 2009 | Counterfeit Christianity
Do You Still Want to Shoot the Messenger? Leighton Ford Promoting Contemplative Spirituality See the following Publishers Weekly summary on Barnes & Noble: 6/19/09 "Ford would seem an unlikely candidate to write a gentle, moving introduction to traditional...
by Jim Baumgaertel | Jun 20, 2009 | Counterfeit Christianity
Some thoughts about Paul Shirk’s Book, Come Out of Her My People As quoted in the Summer 2009 issue of Media Spotlight (which I usually agree with) Posted here 6/15/09 Paul Shirk states: “If God has ordained government and rulers over the affairs of this life...
by Jim Baumgaertel | Jun 15, 2009 | General
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by Jim Baumgaertel | Jun 15, 2009 | Loving the Truth
It is a cult-like mentality that says that all criticism or all dissent is division; or that anyone who criticizes a leader or an institution is necessarily a divisive person. We are called to simply speak the truth. We are called to be motivated by love. Without the...
by Jim Baumgaertel | Jun 7, 2009 | Counterfeit Christianity, The World System
Four ways that Christians are being deceived in our day are: The Repackaged Lie Blurred Distinctions Unequal Yoking Following Gurus Revelation 12:9 speaks of, “… that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole...