Nothing is more important than who Jesus is and what is the gospel that saves
My name is Jim Baumgaertel. I live in Port Orchard, Washington State, USA with my wife, Kim. We have four adult children and four grandchildren. After 400 years of church history on this continent (Race and Racism) and after the craziness of recent years, we recently decided to become a part of Sinclair Missionary Baptist Church in Bremerton.
I am a retired engineer and formerly worked in a shipyard. Before the shipyard, I was in the Navy and served on submarines. It was my privilege to help lead our local church assembly for six years, until 2020. I teach home schooled students with my wife.
It’s my desire that the Lord would use these pages to proclaim His Gospel, to invite people to put their trust in Him, to build His Ekklesia, and to warn of false gospels, false messiahs, and counterfeit religious systems.
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Response to “Honor the Son” video
My response to the video, “Honor the Son” by Nathan Anderson The truth that our Lord Jesus wants us to understand is found in Genesis through Revelation. The priorities that Jesus has given to the Church in our day are found in the New Testament. I agree that...
Roger Sherrard – Poulsbo Attorney serving Albania
Roger Sherrard is a follower of Jesus who is a retired attorney from Poulsbo, Washington state. In addition to his law practice, Roger has devoted his life to helping Albania establish an independent judiciary system following its freedom from communism in the 1990s....
Obama, Trump, and Ambassadors for Christ
This post is part of my commentary on the series, “A History of Anti-Christ“, by the late Albert James Dager. See Part XLIII – The 2000s Al Dager’s harsh words about President Obama (part 42), and his intense support of President Trump (part 43) seems...
Age of the Earth
This post is part of my commentary on the series, "A History of Anti-Christ", by the late Albert James Dager. See Part I – The Antedeluvian Age I tend to believe that the Bible teaches a young earth. Al believes in an ancient creation. In part 33 Al says, “In...
Dan Trotter – of House Churches
First posted 2011 Dan Trotter is a brother I have grown to love, though I've never met him in person. However, I don't agree with his eschatology as he calls himself an "orthodox preterist". Jim B. The "House Church Movement" Gene Edwards articles House Church...
Books to Consider
... as a Berean "And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of...
Other Current Event Items
From 2008 "North Korean Leader Is Said to Pick a Son as Heir " 85-year-old widower, lifelong Mormon "Dear Friends of Through the Maze: "I recently received this letter from Roscoe (Bud) McMullen, an 85-year-old widower, lifelong Mormon, who got a hold of _Beyond...
Spirit Radio
Why would the ________ Ministries want to change the name of one of its three radio stations from “Christian” to “Spirit”?
The Bible Versions Debate
By Dusty Peterson, Published in Media Spotlight Posted here 1/6/07 Updated 4/13/07 Part 1 https://www.bayith.org/BTRBVDpart1.htm Part 2A (1.6 megabyte pdf file) Part 2B (1.7 megabyte pdf file) Intermission: Moutain of Preconceptions (1.6 megabyte pdf file) ...
Chuck Smith on TBN?
Update 8/2018: Chuck Smith, Paul Crouch, and Jim Spencer are no longer living. 9/1/2003 A number of circumstances are causing me to re-evaluate how I speak about my concerns with Paul & Jan Crouch and Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). A few weeks ago...