This post is part of my commentary on the series, “A History of Anti-Christ“, by the late Albert James Dager. See Part XLIII – The 2000s


Al Dager’s harsh words about President Obama (part 42), and his intense support of President Trump (part 43) seems inconsistent with the eternal perspective of an Ambassador for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20).

There is no doubt that eight years of the Obama administration promoted many things contrary to the Bible. And yet it ought to be realized that the world system of Anti-Christ advances with every administration, Republican or Democrat. Obama is no more evil than Trump or Bill Clinton or George W. Bush. They are all controlled and influenced by anti-Christ powers. A glimpse of this is that both presidents Bush were members of the Order of the Skull & Bones.

As Al Dager states, the whole world is under the control of the evil one. (See 1 John 5:19).

Brother Dager’s intensity in his comments are more representative of a political activist rather than someone set apart with Biblical priorities. Most of Al’s ministry through the years had the emphasis of being an Ambassador for Christ, and he warned against the worldly agendas of political activists and dominionists.

In fact, it was Al Dager who the Lord used to rescue me out of the obsessions of the Coalition On Revival when Al wrote an expose in 1988, which I read about 1990. Also, consider Al’s books, Vengeance Is Ours – The Church in Dominion and The World Christian Movement – A Great Delusion Leading to the Religio-Political State of the Anti-Christ. He warns of worldly political agendas manipulating believers in Jesus Christ into beliefs and actions contrary to the Gospel and going into all the world and making disciples.

The purpose of civil government is to restrain evil and allow the people of God to live out the Gospel. The Gospel is not advanced through political power or the defense of a national heritage. Disciples of Jesus are called to New Testament priorities for the sake of the Kingdom of God.

As we continue in this current global pandemic, I believe it is all the more important for followers of Jesus to not allow themselves to be polarized by the political propaganda of the rulers of this world.

There is nothing more important than who Jesus is and what is the Gospel that saves.

Consider this illustration of the Two Mobs – There are two mobs going at it. One is yelling, “We want Barabbas!” The other is yelling, “We have no king but Caesar!” After a while they switch. But they’re still going at it… driven by anger incited by the propaganda of demagogues. Ambassadors for Christ do not join the mobs. They represent the true King with eternal priorities.

I miss Albert James Dager. I’ve been blessed and encouraged by his ministry for thirty years. He has been among a very few speaking out against anti-Christ deceptions among Evangelical Christians. I pray our Lord will continue to bring eternal fruit from Al Dager’s writings.

“If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.” Colossians 3:1-4

Americanism – Communism – Pandemic Propaganda Manipulating Christians